1 次元等エントロピー流に対する
Tartar 方程式の解法の改良

竹野 茂治 ( 工学科(基礎教育・教養系)准教授
Associate Professor, Field of Fundamental Education and Liberal Arts, Department of Engineering)

An improvement for solving of Tartar's equation
for one dimensional isentropic gas dynamics

Shigeharu TAKENO

(新潟工科大学研究紀要 第 27 号 2023 年 3 月)

Using the compensated compactness theory, DiPerna proved the existence of weak solutions of one dimensional isentropic gas dynamics equations with arbitrary large initial data for discrete adiabatic exponents, and Ding-Chen-Luo extended the result for continuous adiabatic exponents. In their results, it is important to solve Tartar's equation for Young measure and weak entropy pairs, but the part is complicated. In this article, we see an improvement of the part for discrete exponents. In our method, the argument for the part is more simple, and we can relax the restriction of the basic function of the weak entropies.

isentropic gas dynamics, compensated compactness theory, improvement for solving Tartar's equation, Young measure, discrete adiabatic exponent
