- ++
- 78.3.7
- .gnuplot
- 25
- 3D
- 62
- abs
- 16.1
- acos
- 16.1
- acosh
- 16.1
- acsplines
- adobeglyphnames
- 99.48.4
- aifm
- 99.1
- airy
- 16.1
- all
- 81
- angles
- 89.1
| 89.66
- aqua
- 99.2
| 99.2
- arg
- 16.1
- arrow
- 89.2
| 89.75.1
- arrowstyle
- 55
| 89.2
| 89.75.1
- asin
- 16.1
- asinh
- 16.1
- atan
- 16.1
- atan2
- 16.1
- atanh
- 16.1
- automated
- 43.2
- autoscale
- 78.3
| 89.3
- autotitle
- 13
| 89.35.1
- avs
- axes
- 12
| 18
| 24
| 78.1
- back
- 21
- background
- 20.1.1
- backquotes
- 27.1
- bars
- 32
| 34
| 34
| 39
| 56
| 57
| 58
| 59
| 60
| 61
| 78.4
| 78.5
| 89.4
- batch/interactive
- 2
| 8
| 68
| 75
| 88
- be
- 99.3
| 99.3
- behind
- 21
- besj0
- 16.1
- besj1
- 16.1
- bessel
- 100
- besy0
- 16.1
- besy1
- 16.1
- bezier
- bgnd
- 20.1
| 20.1.1
- binary
- 78.2
| 78.2.7
- bind
- 22
| 22.1
| 87
| 89.5
| 89.5
| 89.48
| 89.48
- bitwise operators
- 16.2.2
- black
- 20.1
- bmargin
- 89.6
- border
- 89.7
| 89.30
| 89.80
| 89.80
- boxerrorbars
- 30
| 89.8
- boxes
- 31
| 33
| 89.8
- boxplot
- 32
| 32
| 34
| 89.75.2
- boxwidth
- 32
| 34
| 89.8
- boxxyerrorbars
- 33
- branch
- 69.5
- bugs
- 5
- cairolatex
- 99.4
- call
- 64
| 75
- candlesticks
- 32
| 34
| 39
| 89.75.2
- canvas
- 9
| 99.22
| 99.32
| 99.46
- cbdata
- 89.125
- cbdtics
- 89.126
- cblabel
- 89.133
- cbmtics
- 89.134
- cbrange
- 20
| 20.1
| 89.62
| 89.62.1
| 89.75.7
| 89.135
- cbtics
- 89.136
- cd
- 63
- cdawson
- 16.1
- ceil
- 16.1
- center
- 44
- cerf
- 16.1
- cgm
- 99.6
- changes
- 5
- circle
- 35
| 35
| 89.55.3
- circles
- 35
- clabel
- 89.11
- clear
- 65
- clip
- 55
| 89.12
- cnormal
- cntrlabel
- 24
| 89.13
| 89.14
| 89.17
- cntrparam
- 24
| 89.14
| 89.17
| 91.3
- colorbox
- 20.1
| 89.15
| 89.62
| 89.62.1
| 89.62.5
| 89.135
- colornames
- 20
| 20.1
| 89.16
| 89.75.7
- colors
- 20
| 20.1
| 78.12
| 89.10
| 89.10
| 89.63.1
| 89.63.2
| 89.75.7
- colorsequence
- 89.9
| 89.10
- colorspec
- 4
| 20
| 20.1
| 36
| 89.36
| 89.55
| 89.75.7
| 89.75.9
| 89.85
- column
- 16.1
| 78.3.9
- columnhead
- 16.1
- columnheader
- 13
| 78.3.9
| 78.11
| 89.35.1
| 92
- command line editing
- 10
- command line options
- 99.68.2
- command-line-editing
- 85
- command-line-options
- 22.1.1
- commands
- 3
- comments
- 2
| 11
| 75
- commentschars
- 11
| 89.20.5
- compatibility
- 6
- context
- 99.7
- contour
- 24
| 62
| 89.14
| 89.17
| 89.31
| 89.76
| 91.3
- contours
- 89.17
- coordinates
- 12
| 89.2
| 89.35.2
| 89.36
| 89.36
| 89.55.1
| 89.55.2
| 89.55.3
| 89.55.4
| 89.57
| 89.75.1
| 89.80
| 89.85
| 89.102
| 89.105
- copyright
- 1
- corel
- 99.8
- corners2color
- 89.62.6
- cos
- 16.1
- cosh
- 16.1
- csplines
- cubehelix
- 89.63.5
- cumulative
- cycle
- 89.37
- dashtype
- 4
| 4
| 20
| 20.2
| 20.2
| 89.18
- data
- 4
| 78
| 78
| 78.3
| 89.19
| 89.67
| 89.77
- data file
- 78.3
- datablocks
- 18
| 78.3.4
- datafile
- 24
| 69
| 78.3
| 89.3
| 89.17
| 89.31
| 91.2
- datastrings
- 13
| 78.11
- date specifiers
- 89.27.3
- dawson
- 16.1
- debug
- 99.9
- decimalsign
- 89.21
| 89.24
| 89.27
| 89.41
- degrees
- 89.1
- demos
- 7
- depthorder
- 62
| 89.62.2
| 89.62.3
| 89.62.3
- dgrid3d
- 89.22
| 89.73
| 89.77
| 91.3
- division
- 16
- do
- 19
| 66
| 73
- dots
- 37
- dpu414
- 99.18
- dumb
- 99.10
- dummy
- 89.3
| 89.23
- dx
- 44
- dxf
- 99.11
- dxy800a
- 99.12
- dy
- 44
- edf
- editing
- 10
- editing postscript
- 99.48.1
- eepic
- 99.13
- ehf
- ellipse
- 36
| 36
| 36
| 36
| 89.55.2
| 89.55.2
| 89.55.3
| 89.75.10
- ellipses
- 36
| 89.75.10
- elliptic integrals
- 16.1.1
- emf
- 99.14
- emtex
- 99.34
- emxvesa
- 99.15
- emxvga
- 99.15
- encoding
- 14
| 17
| 89.24
| 89.41
| 99.28
| 99.44
| 99.47
| 99.67
- encodings
- 89.24
- enhanced
- 14
| 99.2
| 99.43
| 99.44
| 99.47
| 99.48
| 99.52
| 99.55
| 99.67
| 99.68
- environment
- 15
| 69.4
- eps
- 17.3
- epscairo
- 99.16
- epslatex
- 99.17
- epson 180dpi
- 99.18
- epson 60dpi
- 99.18
- epson lx800
- 99.18
- equal
- 89.74
| 89.74
- equal axes
- 89.91.1
- erf
- 16.1
- erfc
- 16.1
- erfi
- 16.1
- error estimates
- 69.2
| 69.2
- error state
- 16.4
| 87
- errorbars
- 78.3
| 78.4
- errorlines
- 78.3
| 78.4
| 78.5
- errors
- 16.4
| 16.4
- errorscaling
- 69.3.2
- evaluate
- 67
- every
- 78.3.1
- example
- 78.3.2
- examples
- 7
- excl
- 99.19
- exists
- 16.1
| 27.2
- exit
- 68
- exp
- 16.1
- expint
- 16.1
- exponentiation
- 16.2.2
- expressions
- 16
| 79
| 89.29
- factorial
- 16.2.1
- faddeeva
- 16.1
- failsafe
- 44.2
- faq
- 3
| 3
- fig
- 99.20
- file
- 78.3
- filetype
- 78.2.7
- fill
- 31
| 33
| 34
| 35
| 43
| 43
- filledcurves
- 38
- fillsteps
- 41
- fillstyle
- 32
| 34
| 35
| 36
| 78.12
| 89.55
| 89.75.4
| 89.75.9
| 99.46
- financebars
- 34
| 39
| 89.75.2
- fit
- 15
| 16.4
| 16.4
| 69
| 69.2
| 69.4.1
| 78.3.9
| 89.25
| 89.25
| 97
- 69.4.1
- 69.4.1
- 69.4.2
- 69.4.1
- fit parameters
- 69.1
- 69.4.2
- 69.4.1
- fitting
- 69.2
- flipx
- 44
- floating point exceptions
- 89.20.2
| 100
- floor
- 16.1
- flush
- 89.62.3
- fontfile
- 17.3
| 99.48
| 99.48.2
| 99.48.4
- fontpath
- 89.26
| 99.48.2
- fonts
- 17
| 17.1
| 17.2
| 17.3
| 99.22.1
| 99.46.1
| 99.68.1
- for
- 19
| 43
| 43.2
| 73
| 89
| 96
- format
- 89.27
| 89.77
| 89.84
| 89.101
| 89.103
| 89.105
- format specifiers
- 89.27.2
- fortran
- 89.20.1
- fpe trap
- 89.20.2
- frequency
- front
- 21
- fsteps
- 40
- ftriangles
- 89.62.3
- function
- 78.6
| 89.28
- functions
- 16.5
| 16.5
| 78
| 78.6
| 78.6
- gamma
- 16.1
| 100
- gamma correction
- 89.63.7
- gd
- 17.2
- general
- 78.2
| 89.20.6
| 89.63.6
- geographic
- 4
| 89.105.2
- geomean
- 89.62.6
- ggi
- 99.21
- gif
- 17.2
| 99.22
- glossary
- 18
| 78.3.1
- gnuplot
- 1
- gnuplot defined
- 16.4
- gpic
- 99.23
- gprintf
- 26
| 89.27.1
| 89.36
| 89.46
- 16.4
| 16.4
- graph menu
- 99.66.1
- graph-menu
- 99.66
| 99.66.5
- grass
- 99.24
- gray
- 89.47
- grayscale resources
- 99.68.4
- grid
- 89.30
| 89.69
- grid data
- 89.17
| 89.22
| 89.76
| 91.1
| 91.2
- guidelines
- 69.3.2
- harmean
- 89.62.6
- heatmap
- 44
- help
- 70
- help desk
- 3
- hexadecimal
- 16
- hidden3d
- 62
| 89.31
| 89.34
- histeps
- 42
- histogram
- histograms
- 43
- history
- 71
| 71
- historysize
- 89.32
- hotkey
- 22.1
- hotkeys
- 22.1
- hp2623a
- 99.25
- hp2648
- 99.26
- hp500c
- 99.27
- hpdj
- 99.29
- hpgl
- 99.28
- hpljii
- 99.29
- hppj
- 99.30
- hsv
- 16.1
| 20
- hsv2rgb
- 16.1
- hypertext
- 46
| 89.36.2
- ibeta
- 16.1
- if
- 19
| 72
| 98
- if old
- 72.1
- if-old
- 72
- igamma
- 16.1
- imag
- 16.1
- image
- 44
| 53
| 54
- imagen
- 99.31
- import
- 74
- impulses
- 45
- index
- 78.3
| 78.3.3
- initialization
- 25
| 87
- inline
- 78.3.4
- inset
- 24
| 89.49
- int
- 16.1
- internationalization
- 101
- interval
- 89.75.7
- introduction
- 2
- inverf
- 16.1
- invnorm
- 16.1
- isosamples
- 24
| 78.6
| 89.31
| 89.34
| 89.73
| 91.2
| 91.2
| 91.3
- iterate
- 19
- iteration
- 19
| 66
| 73
| 78.10
| 89
| 96
- jpeg
- 17.2
| 99.32
- kdensity
- 5
| 89.22
- key
- 78.11
| 89.35
- kyo
- 99.33
- label
- 46
| 89.36
| 89.48
- labels
- 13
| 46
| 78.3
| 89.36
| 89.48
- lambertw
- 16.1
- latex
- 99.34
- layers
- 21
- layout
- 89.49
- lc
- 20.1
- least squares
- 69
- legend
- 89.35
- lgamma
- 16.1
- libgd
- 101
- license
- 1
- limit
- 69.2
- line
- 89.15
| 89.75.1
- line editing
- 10
- linecolor
- 20.1
| 30
| 33
| 34
| 39
| 55
- lines
- 47
| 48
| 50
- linespoints
- 48
| 89.75.7
- linestyle
- 47
| 89.75.7
- linetype
- 4
| 20
| 47
| 78.12
| 89.9
| 89.10
| 89.10
| 89.37
| 89.75.6
| 89.75.7
- linetypes
- 20
- linewidth
- 47
| 89.75.7
| 89.75.7
- link
- 4
| 89.3
| 89.38
| 89.97
| 89.104
| 89.112
- linux
- 99.35
- lmargin
- 89.39
- load
- 75
- loadpath
- 89.40
- locale
- 17
| 89.21
| 89.24
| 89.41
| 101
- log
- 16.1
| 89.8
- log10
- 16.1
- logscale
- 89.42
- lower
- 76
- lp
- 48
- lua
- 99.36
| 99.61
- macros
- 16.5
| 27.2
| 67
- map
- 62.1
| 89.62.5
| 89.62.9
| 91
- mapping
- 24
| 89.44
| 89.66
- margin
- 89.6
| 89.39
| 89.49
| 89.70
| 89.86
- margins
- 89.45
- markup
- 14
- Marquardt
- 69
- matrix
- 78.2
| 78.2.1
| 78.2.1
| 78.3.2
| 89.20.6
| 91.1.1
- max
- 89.62.6
- maxiter
- 69.2
- mcsplines
- mean
- 89.62.6
- median
- 89.62.6
- metafont
- 99.37
- metapost
- 99.39
- mf
- 99.37
- mif
- 99.38
- min
- 89.62.6
- minussign
- 89.46
- missing
- 5
| 89.20.3
- mixing macros backquotes
- 27.3
- modulo
- 16.2.2
- modulus
- 16.1
- monochrome
- 20
| 89.9
| 89.47
- mouse
- 22
| 22.1
| 89.48
| 99.52
| 99.66.1
| 99.67
- mouseformat
- 89.48.2
- mousewheel
- 89.48.3
- mousing
- 89.48
- mp
- 99.39
- multi branch
- 69.5
- multi-branch
- 69
| 69.4.1
- multiplot
- 24
| 65
| 89.49
| 99.60
- mx2tics
- 89.50
- mxtics
- 89.50
| 89.51
| 89.52
| 89.53
| 89.54
| 89.72
| 89.80
- my2tics
- 89.52
- mytics
- 89.53
- mztics
- 89.54
- NaN
- 16
| 16.5
- nec cp6
- 99.18
- negation
- 16.2.1
- new features
- 4
- newhistogram
- 43.1
- next
- 99.40
| 99.40
- noarrow
- 89.2
- noautoscale
- 89.3
- noborder
- 89.7
- nocbdtics
- 89.126
- nocbmtics
- 89.134
- nocbtics
- 89.136
- nocontour
- 89.17
- nodgrid3d
- 89.22
- noextend
- 89.3
| 89.104
- nofpe trap
- 89.20.2
- nogrid
- 89.30
- nohidden3d
- 89.31
| 100
- nokey
- 89.35
- nolabel
- 89.36
- nologscale
- 89.42
- nomouse
- 89.48
- nomultiplot
- 89.49
- nomx2tics
- 89.50
- nomxtics
- 89.51
- nomy2tics
- 89.52
- nomytics
- 89.53
- nomztics
- 89.54
- nonuniform
- 91.1.1
- nooffsets
- 89.56
- noparametric
- 89.59
- nopolar
- 89.66
- norm
- 16.1
| 16.1
- nosurface
- 89.76
- notimestamp
- 89.83
- nox2dtics
- 89.94
- nox2mtics
- 89.96
- nox2tics
- 89.98
- nox2zeroaxis
- 89.99
- noxdtics
- 89.101
- noxmtics
- 89.103
- noxtics
- 89.105
- noxzeroaxis
- 89.107
- noy2dtics
- 89.109
- noy2mtics
- 89.111
- noy2tics
- 89.113
- noy2zeroaxis
- 89.114
- noydtics
- 89.116
- noymtics
- 89.118
- noytics
- 89.120
- noyzeroaxis
- 89.121
- nozdtics
- 89.123
- nozmtics
- 89.130
- noztics
- 89.132
- nozzeroaxis
- 89.124
- object
- 89.55
- octal
- 16
- offsets
- 89.45
| 89.56
- okidata
- 99.18
- old-style
- 64
- one's complement
- 16.2.1
- openstep
- 99.41
| 99.41
| 99.41
- operator precedence
- 16.2.1
- operators
- 16.2
- options
- 2
- origin
- 65
| 89.49
| 89.57
- output
- 89.58
- palette
- 20
| 78.12
| 89.15
| 89.36
| 89.62
| 89.62.1
| 89.63
| 89.63
| 89.75.7
| 89.75.7
| 89.85
| 89.135
- parallelaxes
- 49
| 89.60
- parametric
- 89.3
| 89.59
- pause
- 77
- paxis
- 49
- pbm
- 99.42
- pcl5
- 99.28
- pdf
- 17.1
| 99.43
| 101
- pdfcairo
- 99.4
| 99.44
- persist
- 23
- pi
- 16.5
- piecewise.dem
- 4
- pixels
- 44.2
| 99.62
- placement
- 89.35
- plot
- 4
| 78
| 78
| 85
| 91
| 91
| 92
- plotting
- 24
- pm
- 99.45
- pm3d
- 62
| 89.15
| 89.15
| 89.62
| 89.75.7
- png
- 17.1
| 17.2
| 99.46
- pngcairo
- 99.47
- pointinterval
- 48
| 89.75.7
- pointintervalbox
- 89.64
- points
- 48
| 50
- pointsize
- 78.12
| 89.65
- polar
- 24
| 51
| 89.66
| 89.69
| 89.72
- polygon
- 89.55.4
- pop
- 89.78
- position
- 89.62
- postscript
- 17.3
| 99.48
| 99.48
- practical guidelines
- 69.3.1
| 69.3.2
- prescribe
- 99.33
- print
- 79
- printerr
- 79
| 80
- printing
- 99.66
| 99.66.1
| 99.66.2
- projection
- 62.1
- prologue
- 15
| 99.17
| 99.48
| 99.48.3
| 99.49
- psdir
- 89.68
| 99.48.3
- pseudocolumns
- 78.3.3
| 78.3.9
- pslatex
- 99.4
| 99.17
| 99.49
- pstex
- 99.49
- pstricks
- 99.50
- punctuation
- 28
- push
- 89.78
- pwd
- 81
- qms
- 99.51
- qt
- 99.52
- quit
- 82
- quotes
- 28.1
- raise
- 83
| 99.68
- rand
- 16.1
| 16.1.2
- random
- 16.1.2
- range frame
- 89.105.3
- rangelimited
- 89.105.3
- ranges
- 69
| 78.8
- ratio
- 89.74
- raxis
- 89.69
- real
- 16.1
- rectangle
- 89.55
| 89.55.1
| 89.75.4
- refresh
- 78.3.7
| 78.3.10
| 84
- regis
- 99.53
- replot
- 78.3.7
| 85
- reread
- 86
- reset
- 87
| 89
- restore
- 89.104
- rgbalpha
- 44
- rgbcolor
- 20.1
| 20.1.3
- rgbformulae
- 89.63.1
- rgbimage
- 44
- rmargin
- 89.70
- rms
- 89.62.6
- rotate
- 44
- rrange
- 51
| 89.3.2
| 89.66
| 89.69
| 89.71
- rtics
- 89.69
| 89.72
- sample
- 78.9
- samples
- 78.3.6
| 78.6
| 89.31
| 89.34
| 89.73
| 89.77
- sampling
- 78.3.7
| 78.8
| 78.9
| 89.73
| 91
- save
- 88
- sbezier
- scansautomatic
- 89.62.3
- scansbackward
- 89.62.3
- scansforward
- 89.62.3
- screendump
- 99.66.2
- scrolling
- 89.48.3
| 99.66.1
- seeking assistance
- 3
- seeking-assistance
- 5
- separator
- 78.3.9
| 89.20.4
- session
- 87
- set
- 89
- sgn
- 16.1
- shell
- 90
| 93
- show
- 89
- sin
- 16.1
- sinh
- 16.1
- size
- 65
| 89.49
| 89.49
| 89.59
| 89.74
| 99.22
| 99.32
| 99.46
- 89.24
- skip
- 78.3.2
| 78.3.5
| 78.3.5
- smooth
- 78.3.6
- space
- 22.1
- special filenames
- 78.3.7
- special-filenames
- 27.1
| 78.3.4
| 91.1
- specifiers
- 89.27.1
- specify
- 28
- splines
- 78.3.6
- splot
- 89.31
| 91
- sprintf
- 16.1
| 26
| 89.36
- sqrt
- 16.1
- square
- 51
| 89.74
| 89.74
- starc
- 99.18
- start
- 25
- start up
- 25
- starting values
- 69.6
- startup
- 15
| 25
- statistical overview
- 69.3.1
- statistics
- 92
- stats
- 92
- steps
- 41
| 52
- strcol
- 16.1
- strftime
- 16.1
- string operators
- 16.2.2
- stringcolumn
- 16.1
- strings
- 26
| 89.36
- strlen
- 16.1
- strptime
- 16.1
- strstrt
- 16.1
- style
- 78.3.9
| 78.4
| 78.5
| 78.12
| 89.36
- styles
- 78
| 78.12
| 89.75
| 89.75.3
| 89.75.5
- subfigures
- 24
- substitution
- 27
| 28.1
| 89.43
- substr
- 16.1
- substring
- 16.1
| 26
- summation
- 16.3
| 19
- sun
- 99.54
- surface
- 62
| 89.17
| 89.76
| 91.3
- svg
- 99.55
- svga
- 99.56
- svgalib
- 101
- syntax
- 2
| 28
| 89.27
| 89.35
| 89.85
| 89.102
- system
- 16.1
| 93
- table
- 78.12
| 89.77
- tan
- 16.1
- tandy 60dpi
- 99.18
- tanh
- 16.1
- tc
- 20.1
- tek40
- 99.57
- tek410x
- 99.58
- term
- 88
| 99
- terminal
- 99
| 99
- terminals
- 89.78
- termoption
- 89.79
- ternary
- 16.2.3
- test
- 20.1
| 94
- texdraw
- 99.59
- text
- 4
| 28.1
| 89.36
| 99.45
| 99.66
- text markup
- 14
- text menu
- 99.66.3
- text-menu
- 99.66.5
- textbox
- 89.36
| 89.75.11
- textcolor
- 20.1
- tgif
- 99.60
- thru
- 78.3.8
- tics
- 89.80
- ticscale
- 89.82
- ticslevel
- 89.81
- tikz
- 99.61
- time
- 16.1
- time specifiers
- 29
| 89.27.3
| 89.100.1
- time/date
- 29
| 89.84
| 89.100.1
- timecolumn
- 16.1
| 89.100.1
- timefmt
- 12
| 78.8
| 89.27.2
| 89.36
| 89.83
| 89.84
| 89.100.1
| 100
- timestamp
- 89.83
- tips
- 69.7
- title
- 13
| 89.35
| 89.85
- tkcanvas
- 99.62
- tm hour
- 16.1
- tm mday
- 16.1
- tm min
- 16.1
- tm mon
- 16.1
- tm sec
- 16.1
- tm wday
- 16.1
- tm yday
- 16.1
- tm year
- 16.1
- tmargin
- 89.86
- tpic
- 99.63
- trange
- 89.87
- transparency
- 44.1
- transparent
- unary
- 16.2.1
- undefine
- 95
- uniform
- 91.1.1
- unique
- unset
- 96
- unwrap
- update
- 69
| 97
- urange
- 89.88
- user defined
- 16.5
- user-defined
- 78.6
- using
- 13
| 16
| 16.2.3
| 2
| 78.3.9
| 78.4
| 78.5
| 89.62.1
- UTF 8
- 89.24
| 99.48.4
- valid
- 16.1
- value
- 16.1.3
| 16.5
- variable
- 30
| 31
| 33
| 33
| 34
| 39
| 46
| 47
| 55
| 78.3.3
| 89.62.5
- variables
- 16.1.3
| 16.4
| 16.4
| 16.4
| 16.5
| 16.5
| 16.5
| 22
| 22.2
| 69.4
| 77
- vectors
- 55
- vgagl
- 99.64
- vgal
- 99.15
- view
- 89.91
| 89.106
| 91
- voigt
- 16.1
- volatile
- 78.3.10
- VP
- 16.1
- vrange
- 89.92
- vttek
- 99.57
- 99.65
- wgnuplot.ini
- 99.66.5
- wgnuplot.mnu
- 99.66.4
- while
- 19
| 98
- windows
- 99.66
- with
- 78.4
| 78.5
| 78.12
| 89.65
| 89.75
| 99.20
- word
- 16.1
| 16.1.4
- words
- 16.1
| 16.1.4
- writeback
- 89.104
- wxt
- 17.1
| 99.67
- X resources
- 99.68
| 99.68.2
| 99.68.3
| 99.68.4
| 99.68.5
| 99.68.6
| 99.68.7
- x11
- 2
| 99.68
| 99.68
- x11 fonts
- 99.68.1
- x11 mouse
- 89.48.4
- x2data
- 89.93
- x2dtics
- 89.94
- x2label
- 89.95
- x2mtics
- 89.96
- x2range
- 89.97
- x2tics
- 89.98
- x2zeroaxis
- 89.99
- xdata
- 12
| 89.36
| 89.84
| 89.93
| 89.100
| 89.108
| 89.115
| 89.122
| 89.125
- xdtics
- 89.94
| 89.101
| 89.109
| 89.116
| 89.123
| 89.126
- xerrorbars
- 56
- xerrorlines
- 59
- xfig
- 99.20
- xlabel
- 89.95
| 89.102
| 89.110
| 89.117
| 89.129
| 89.133
- xlib
- 99.69
- xmtics
- 89.96
| 89.103
| 89.111
| 89.118
| 89.130
| 89.134
- xrange
- 89.3
| 89.60
| 89.66
| 89.87
| 89.88
| 89.92
| 89.97
| 89.104
| 89.112
| 89.119
| 89.131
| 89.135
| 92
- xterm
- 99.57
- xticlabels
- 13
- xtics
- 89.7
| 89.27
| 89.30
| 89.42
| 89.51
| 89.60
| 89.72
| 89.80
| 89.98
| 89.105
| 89.113
| 89.120
| 89.132
| 89.136
- xyerrorbars
- 57
- xyerrorlines
- 60
- xyplane
- 12
| 89.81
| 89.91.1
| 89.106
| 89.124
| 91
- xzeroaxis
- 89.107
- y2data
- 89.108
- y2dtics
- 89.109
- y2label
- 89.110
- y2mtics
- 89.111
- y2range
- 89.112
- y2tics
- 89.113
- y2zeroaxis
- 89.114
- ydata
- 89.115
- ydtics
- 89.116
- yerrorbars
- 58
- yerrorlines
- 61
- ylabel
- 89.117
- ymtics
- 89.118
- yrange
- 89.119
- ytics
- 89.120
- yzeroaxis
- 89.121
- zdata
- 89.122
- zdtics
- 89.123
- zero
- 89.127
- zeroaxis
- 89.99
| 89.106
| 89.107
| 89.114
| 89.121
| 89.124
| 89.128
- zlabel
- 89.129
- zmtics
- 89.130
- zoom
- 89.48.5
- zrange
- 89.131
- ztics
- 89.132
- zzeroaxis
- 89.124