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34.49.49 Pbm

Several options may be set in the pbm terminal -- the driver for PBMplus.


     set terminal pbm {<fontsize>} {<mode>}

where $<$fontsize$>$ is small, medium, or large and $<$mode$>$ is monochrome, gray or color. The default plot size is 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high; this may be changed by set size.

The output of the pbm driver depends upon $<$mode$>$: monochrome produces a portable bitmap (one bit per pixel), gray a portable graymap (three bits per pixel) and color a portable pixmap (color, four bits per pixel).

The output of this driver can be used with Jef Poskanzer's excellent PBMPLUS package, which provides programs to convert the above PBMPLUS formats to GIF, TIFF, MacPaint, Macintosh PICT, PCX, X11 bitmap and many others. PBMPLUS may be obtained from The relevant files have names that begin with "netpbm-1mar1994.p1"; they reside in /contrib/utilities. The package can probably also be obtained from one of the many sites that mirrors


     set terminal pbm small monochrome             # defaults
     set size 2,2; set terminal pbm color medium

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Shigeharu TAKENO
2002年 11月 16日