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Several options may be set in the next driver.


     set terminal next {<mode>} {<type> } {<color>} {<dashed>}
                {"<fontname>"} {<fontsize>} title {"<newtitle>"}

where $<$mode$>$ is default, which sets all options to their defaults; $<$type$>$ is either new or old, where old invokes the old single window; $<$color$>$ is either color or monochrome; $<$dashed$>$ is either solid or dashed; "$<$fontname$>$" is the name of a valid PostScript font; $<$fontsize$>$ is the size of the font in PostScript points; and $<$title$>$ is the title for the GnuTerm window. Defaults are new, monochrome, dashed, "Helvetica", 14pt.


     set term next default
     set term next 22
     set term next color "Times-Roman" 14
     set term next color "Helvetica" 12 title "MyPlot"
     set term next old

Pointsizes may be changed with set linestyle.

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Shigeharu TAKENO
2002年 11月 16日