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34.49.68 Tpic

The tpic terminal driver supports the LaTeX picture environment with tpic $\backslash$specials. It is an alternative to the latex and eepic terminal drivers. Options are the point size, line width, and dot-dash interval.


     set terminal tpic <pointsize> <linewidth> <interval>

where pointsize and linewidth are integers in milli-inches and interval is a float in inches. If a non-positive value is specified, the default is chosen: pointsize = 40, linewidth = 6, interval = 0.1.

All drivers for LaTeX offer a special way of controlling text positioning: If any text string begins with '{', you also need to include a '}' at the end of the text, and the whole text will be centered both horizontally and vertically by LaTeX. -- If the text string begins with '[', you need to continue it with: a position specification (up to two out of t,b,l,r), ']{', the text itself, and finally, '}'. The text itself may be anything LaTeX can typeset as an LR-box. $\backslash$rule{}{}'s may help for best positioning.

Examples: About label positioning: Use gnuplot defaults (mostly sensible, but sometimes not really best):

      set title '\LaTeX\ -- $ \gamma $'

Force centering both horizontally and vertically:
      set label '{\LaTeX\ -- $ \gamma $}' at 0,0

Specify own positioning (top here):
      set xlabel '[t]{\LaTeX\ -- $ \gamma $}'

The other label - account for long ticlabels:
      set ylabel '[r]{\LaTeX\ -- $ \gamma $\rule{7mm}{0pt}'

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Shigeharu TAKENO
2002年 11月 16日