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34.49.19 Epslatex

Two options may be set in the epslatex driver.


     set terminal epslatex {default}
                             {color | monochrome} {solid | dashed}
                             {"<fontname>"} {<fontsize>}

default mode sets all options to their defaults: monochrome, dashed, "default" and 11pt.

Default size of a plot is 5 inches wide and 3 inches high.

solid draws all plots with solid lines, overriding any dashed patterns; "$<$fontname$>$" is the name of font; and $<$fontsize$>$ is the size of the font in PostScript points. Font selection isn't supported yet. Font size selection is supported only for the calculation of proper spacing. The actual LaTeX font at the point of inclusion is taken, so use LaTeX commands for changing fonts. If you use e.g. 12pt as font size for your LaTeX documents, use '"default" 12' as options.

All drivers for LaTeX offer a special way of controlling text positioning: If any text string begins with '{', you also need to include a '}' at the end of the text, and the whole text will be centered both horizontally and vertically by LaTeX. -- If the text string begins with '[', you need to continue it with: a position specification (up to two out of t,b,l,r), ']{', the text itself, and finally, '}'. The text itself may be anything LaTeX can typeset as an LR-box. $\backslash$rule{}{}'s may help for best positioning. See also the documenation of the pslatex terminal driver. To create multiline labels, use $\backslash$shortstack, example

  set ylabel '[r]{\shortstack{first line \\ second line}}'

The driver produces two different files, one for the LaTeX part and one for the eps part of the figure. The name of the LaTeX file is derived from the name of the eps file given on the set output command; it is determined by replacing the trailing .eps (actually just the final extent in the file name -- and the option will be turned off if there is no extent) with .tex in the output file name. Remember to close the file before leaving gnuplot. There is no LaTeX output if no output file is given! In your LaTeX documents use '$\backslash$input{filename}' for inclusion of the figure. Include $\backslash$usepackage{graphics} in the preambel! Via 'epstopdf' (contained e.g. in the teTeX package, requires ghostscript) pdf files can made out of the eps files. If the graphics package is properly configured, the LaTeX files can also be processed by pdflatex without changes, and the pdf files are included instead of the eps files

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Shigeharu TAKENO
2002年 11月 16日