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34.49.17 Emf

The emf terminal generates an Enhanced Metafile Format file. This file format is the metafile standard on MS Win32 Systems Syntax:
     set terminal emf {<color>} {solid | dashed}
                      {"<font>"} {<fontsize>}

$<$color$>$ is either color or monochrome; solid draws all curves with solid lines, overriding any dashed patterns; $<$font$>$ is the name of a font; and $<$fontsize$>$ is the size of the font in points.

The first two options can be in any order. Selecting default sets all options to their default values.


     set terminal emf 'Times Roman Italic' 12
     set terminal emf color solid    # no pesky dashes!

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Shigeharu TAKENO
2002年 11月 16日